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Jackie Warner Gives A 'Thintervention'

HOT TREND TODAY FROM UNCLE GOOGLE Kamis, 23 September 2010 , , ,

Among the cast of Jackie Warner's new series, 'Thintervention,' is former 'Real Housewives of Orange County' star Jeana Keough. She's one of eight overweight clients aiming to get fit and healthy.

Warner, whose heaviest weight was 169 pounds, is best known for her Bravo series 'Work Out,' which was canceled in 2008.

Fans are especially impressed by the trainer's rock-hard six-pack, achieved through a mix of clean eating and cardio exercises like boxing.

Find out more about Jackie Warner and her new series, including how her dating standards have changed and what meal plan she recommends.

Top Searched Jackie Warner Questions:
1. What are Jackie Warner's secret training weapons?
2. Does Jackie Warner think being fat is your fault?
3. What 'Real Housewives of OC' star is on 'Thintervention'?
4. What 'Biggest Loser' trainer co-owned Sky Sport?
5. Why was Jackie Warner's 'Work Out' canceled?
6. What cell phone company did Jackie Warner found?
7. How much did Jackie Warner weigh at her heaviest?
8. What is a sample Jackie Warner menu?
9. How does Jackie Warner get those abs?
10. Have Jackie Warner's dating standards changed?
11. How much are private training sessions with Jackie Warner?
12. What is Jackie Warner's Fit in Your Skin campaign?
13. How old is Jackie Warner?
14. Who is the cast on 'Thintervention'?
15. What is Jackie Warner's clothing line?

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Related Questions: When does 'The Biggest Loser' start?

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